Bible Synopsis

Bible Synopsis

Paperback (23 May 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Have you ever listened to a sermon at church and felt overwhelmed because you did not understand the biblical references? Do you feel embarrassed because your kids seem to know more about the Bible than you do? Do you struggle to understand what certain books of the Bible are all about? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Bible Synopsis is for you! Bible Synopsis is a "Reader's Digest" version of the Bible. Each chapter of the Bible is condensed into a clear and concise summary-no "thee's and thou's"-giving you "bottom-line," who-did-what type information. The book follows the same order as the books of the Bible, and includes helpful indexes at the end as well as a summary of important Bible characters. It can be used as an aid in personal or group Bible studies, and a complete CD with richly illustrated PowerPoint slides is available from Dr. Miller's website, Bible Synopsis is a must read for anyone desiring to increase their understanding of the Bible. The Word will never be more succinct!

Book information

ISBN: 9781632691859
Publisher: Mark D. Miller, MD
Imprint: Mark D. Miller, MD
Pub date:
DEWEY: 220.07
Language: English
Number of pages: 556
Weight: 943g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 29mm