Get Rid of Bullies

Get Rid of Bullies Follow the Lead of Fairy Tales Heroes! - White Star Kids

Hardback (13 Aug 2020)

  • $23.11
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Publisher's Synopsis

One of the issues children face from a very young age is bullying. That's why it becomes very important for them to be prepared and this book comes in help! The first "bullies" the children meet are, in fact, the evil villains of fairy tales. But they can always be defeated. 12 super famous villains from fairy tales: find the stories of Cinderella's stepsisters or that of the Ogre from Tom Thumb and most importantly how to overcome their teasing and their threats. A very up-to-date topic: these simple yet symbolic stories will help children to overcome the bullies in everyday life. Ages: 7 plus.

Book information

ISBN: 9788854417014
Publisher: White Star
Imprint: White Star Kids
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 936g
Height: 271mm
Width: 357mm
Spine width: 16mm