Publisher's Synopsis

During the 1890s many people in upper- and middle-class society were unaware of the dangerous conditions in the slums among poor immigrants. Jacob Riis, a Danish immigrant who himself could not originally find much work, hoped to expose the squalor of the 19th-century Lower East Side of Manhattan. After a successful career as a police reporter, he decided to publish a photojournal documenting these conditions using graphic descriptions, sketches, photographs, and statistics

Riis blamed the apathy of the monied class for the condition of the New York slums, and assumed that as people were made more aware of these conditions they would be motivated to help eradicate them.

Book information

ISBN: 9781515427186
Publisher: Wilder Publications
Imprint: SMK Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 204
Weight: 452g
Height: 161mm
Width: 237mm
Spine width: 16mm