Predestination Made Easy

Predestination Made Easy - Made Easy

Paperback (21 Apr 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

There has always been doctrinal controversy in the Christian Church, whether over the nature of God in the early Trinitarian counsels, the divinity and humanity of Christ, or the doctrine of justification by faith as central and fundamental to the Reformation. However, of all the doctrinal controversies in Church history, none has been more heated, divisive, and emotional among Fundamentalists, Charismatics, Evangelicals, Reformed, and Liberals than the doctrine of "predestination."

Every Christian who truly believes the Bible is required to believe something about "predestination." Why? Because the term and concept are found in the Holy Scripture. It is therefore unavoidable that the Christian must study the doctrine as presented in the Bible. They must formulate some view on its meaning and purpose as determined by God, because He conveyed the concept to us in His Word.

"He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him, in love having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will." (Ephesians 1:4-5)

In this Made Easy Series book, Dr. Kenneth Gentry introduces the biblical meaning and significance of "predestination." He defines, demonstrate, and defend the doctrine of God's absolute predestination which either appears on or is implied on virtually every page of Scripture.

Book information

ISBN: 9781734362008
Publisher: Victorious Hope Publishing
Imprint: Victorious Hope Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 222g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 9mm