The Profound Poetry of T. Mac Mandela Zulu

The Profound Poetry of T. Mac Mandela Zulu

Paperback (02 Jan 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

When author T. Mac Mandela Zulu's cousin died in prison in 1995, he wrote "Positive or Negative." His cousin was a career criminal; drugs were his life. Zulu did not want to go down that route. He has always wanted to be somebody and has found his calling in poetry--it is his God-blessed talent.

About the Author

T. Mac Mandela Zulu was born in Tyler, Texas, in August of 1952. His mother taught school in Sulphur Springs, Texas, at Douglas High School. Zulu still loves that town. When Zulu was six years old, his great-uncle told him that he was a blessed child because he had grey and red hair. His uncle was right! Zulu believes he is a blessed individual. He played a coronet in junior high, high school and at Henderso

n County Junior College in Athens, Texas.
Zulu was drafted on December 5th of 1971 and chose to be a Marine. Originally, he wanted to play in the NFL, but he believes that was not in God's plans. He instead became a preacher, rather than a professional punter. Zulu then got married and had a daughter, Tonya, now a beautician.
Out of all of the organizations Zulu has been in, the Boy Scouts of America was the best. Their motto is: be prepared, which Zulu tries to follow throughout his life.

Book information

ISBN: 9781480942165
Publisher: Dorrance Publishing Co.
Imprint: Dorrance Publishing Co.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 188
Weight: 259g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 10mm