When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer 当他沉默时

When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer 当他沉默时

Paperback (20 Aug 2014) | Chinese

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Publisher's Synopsis

Many of us have experienced amazing answers to prayer. But what about when our deepest prayers go unanswered? When disaster strikes, when a loved one dies-what then? When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer explores the mysteries and paradoxes of unanswered prayer. Forged in the fires of his own crushing experience, Jerry Sittser's hard-won spiritual insights affirm the greatness of God's love and concern for us even when we do not understand why our prayers seem to go unheard and unheeded. 祷告易,承受和理解祷告中的失望,十分不易。 本书是一本难得的祷告探索之作。作者杰瑞-席哲的两项优势,使他能够胜任这个难以完成的任务: 首先,他有着深厚的信仰基础,在一所思想精深、牧师云集的学院(美国富勒神学院(Fuller Theological Seminary)担任院牧一职,且长达十年之久; 其次,他在祷告上体验过常人难以体验的艰难。1991年的一场车祸(对方酒驾),令他同时失去了母亲、妻子以及四岁大的女儿,而且凶手并未得到相应的惩罚。 我们若不愿开口祷告,席哲能够体会; 我们若认为祷告没用,席哲也能够体会; 我们若苦闷于上帝为何不听祷告,席哲都能够体会; ...... 带着对祷告的热情与渴慕、专注与执着、迷惑与纠结、痛苦与酸涩, 杰瑞-席哲将陪我们一起探索那隐藏在祷告深处的奥秘: 1. 上帝真的听见了我的祈祷吗? 2. 什么是发自内心的祷告? 3. 他会忍受我的抱怨吗? 4. 执着的祷告功用何在? 5. 何谓按他的心意求? 6. 祷告的重心在何处? 7. 谁会被祷告所改变? 8. 祷告在历史时空中的复杂性? 本书每一章后面附有小组思考和讨论题,曾被广泛用于小组、读书会、辅导机构、医学院校、大学课程、收容所等。

Book information

ISBN: 9787507542196
Publisher: Zdl Books
Imprint: Zdl Books
Pub date:
Language: Chinese
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 299g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 13mm